“An Exhibition” by James Wijesinghe
An Exhibition
Illustration by Aimee Lee.
We bought the final tickets
to an exhibition
Antarctica in London
Here for one week only
Last piece on display
we burnt through midnight oils
with two short wicks
acid rainforests in flames
Then graveyard shifts
in a gravy train rat race
All aboard
What’s the score
A stack of Standards
scattered up the wall
We skim stones across a page
Sheets and sheets
Last seal shipped to frozen lakes in outer space
Film rights find sale
The sun sets the moon rises
The night sky looks no different
in the day
What is this Poem about?
Showing a potential future not too far from today, I wanted to touch on the commodification and commercialisation of climate change and the Earth in all facets of daily human life, especially in a city. Like the last of its species in a zoo, would we flock to a museum to see the final piece of Antarctica? And once that melts, what’s the next glossy problem we’ll buy tickets to next?
James Wijesinghe
James Wijesinghe is a poet and music publicist who spins his plates behind a bar in Bournemouth. After four years studying English, he now chooses the books he reads himself, (mostly comics). He was a Poetry Editor for The ENIGMA Journal and has performed on multiple raised platforms.
You can find more of his work via @wijswords on Instagram.